5th July 2022

Land-based college courses saved from suspension

Earlier this year, staff from Dundee and Angus College reached out to QMS via the Skills for Farming Group to highlight that the college had made the decision to drop their land-based courses from September 2022, following a £1.5m reduction in funding. Conscious of the negative impact this would have on the industry and to young people in the Tayside and Angus area, the Scottish Red Meat Resilience Group compiled a letter highlighting these concerns to the institution’s management, as well as to the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands and the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills.

Following a thorough consultation process on savings proposals involving staff, trade unions and relevant stakeholders, the College recognised the importance of continuing the provision of horticultural and land-based education, confirming that they would retain the department. Despite the reduced offering to meet budget constraints, Dundee and Angus College will continue to deliver the Modern Apprenticeship (MA), certified commercial courses relevant to the industry, Rural Skills for Senior Phase school pupil learners and two-full time courses into the 2022/23 academic year.

Going forward, the College is set to work with key stakeholders to ensure the revised curriculum remains valuable, aligning with employer and industry needs and addressing the skills shortages within the rural sector. QMS will play a significant part in this, engaging in the review process commencing in September of this year.


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